"One day, God calls you and says He's outside and ready to take you on a drive. You've been waiting on this call your entire life, so you drop everything and immediately rush down the stairs. Without hesitation, you open the front passenger door, get in and buckle your seatbelt. At first, the car ride is very gentle and God is speaking quite often to you. Then out of nowhere, He gets silent, His driving becomes more erratic and causes you to begin worrying. You ask Him to slow down and avoid the bumpy roads, but He simply replies, "trust me." And then proceeds to take you on an even wilder route. As you sit there full of worries and doubt, He keeps reminding you that everything is okay, but you aren't quite sure. When God called you, you weren't expecting for the drive to be this rough. Eventually, God slows down and pulls into this business called, "Destiny." He turns to you and says, "before you walk away, open the storage compartment and read what's inside." Expecting some amazing revelation, you lean in the car, open the compartment, but all you see is a sticker that says, "but did you die though?" Then God laughs, and speeds off."
If many of you were to look at this last year alone, you'd say it has been very similar to the situation above. What you thought would be an easy ride, turned out to be one of the most scary times of your life. But even with all the twists and turns it brought you, one thing remained true, God has kept you. So even when the road was bumpy, when you didn't know where your provision would come next, when you didn't know how you would make it to the next day, God stayed by your side that entire time. Protecting you, guiding you and more importantly keeping you.
Right now, there are some of you so upset with God because of how this last year has been for you. But instead of crying out saying, "GOD, THIS ENTIRE YEAR HAS BEEN SO HARD FOR ME! WHEN WILL I HAVE A HOME?! WHEN WILL I HAVE STABILITY?! WHEN WILL I..." Choose to say, "God, thank you for keeping me. Even though I went through some dark valleys, through every moment, you were right there with me." If God has kept you thus far, how much more is He keeping you right now?
Scripture(s) Meditation:
"The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand."
Psalm 121:5 KJV
Song(s) Meditation: My Testimony by Marvin Sapp
To listen to today's song meditation, click here.
Reflection Question(s): We invite you to discuss below.
Think over this last year, what were some of the darkest valleys/moments you experienced? How did/has God moved in those moments? What keeps you from seeing God as a keeper? How will you work to change your perspective?