One lesson I learned pretty early on in life was to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Sounds like a mouthful right? But it’s so true! The only thing consistent in this life is change, and if we continue to resist the ebb and flow of it, we only sabotage ourselves. For further clarification, the ebb and flow of change is discomfort. You can’t grow without being uncomfortable, period.
What happens when you do this, but struggle in a new season of uncomfortableness? At some point what once was uncomfortable becomes comfortable again right? But what about when the level of uncomfortability changes, what do you do? How do you navigate the transition from one season to the next?
Well first, you have to recognize that things have changed. Naturally, you will resist these changes at first, but upon recognition, you should pivot your perspective. Your pivot point will be based on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He is there for a reason! Ask questions on how to navigate and include Him in on everything. From there, your new season of discomfort becomes manageable and fruitful. Bringing you both new skills and growth.
Scripture(s) Meditation:
“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Philippians 4:11-13 NKJV
Song(s) Meditation: Comfort Zone by Marvin Sapp
To listen to today's song meditation, click here.
Reflection Question(s): We invite you to discuss below.
What is your current season of discomfort? How are you finding balance/contentment where you are now? If you aren’t, what is your plan to get there?
Sun’Ray 💕
Heyy just read your response and I’d love to see a perspective other than mine: what would you define as the secret place in your life and experience with God?
“What is your current season of discomfort? How are you finding balance/contentment where you are now? If you aren’t, what is your plan to get there?“
-I am increasing in Christ (and Christ is increasing in me) currently in an environment of a home where no one else who lives here is doing the same thing. Soo im kinda uncomfortable (underexaggerating LOL) but all the much more grateful because this gives me an even greater opportunity to perceive the work the Holy Spirit is doing in me as I am reminded by my surroundings and the people in my environment of who I was before and how I used to act with them versus how I act now (thanks to…
Im finding Balance in my current place by learning how to be patient in my waiting season for God Direction in my life.
My current season of discomfort is operating in consistency in building a Kingdom Business. This brings discomfort because I have started and stopped over and over and I realize that I am now in a season of victory and completion where I can no longer start and stop because of distractions. I am finding balance and contentment in the secret place where I receive specific instruction on how to move ahead and how I must rest in the spirit in order to move ahead, with all things led by God.